From Pastor Biar’s Pen 

What Does Church Growth Mean? 

            In the wake of the ever-discouraging poll results that continually show a decline in Christianity in America – decreased church attendance, decreased Biblical literacy, increases in those who list “none” as their religious affiliation, etc. – the question that inevitably comes is always “how do we instead grow the Church?” This is not a bad thing; of course we want the Church to grow, but what do we really mean by that?

            Usually, it’s something very quantifiable: membership numbers. The Church only grows if we are getting more people in the door. As admirable of a goal as that may be, though, I think it sells God’s work in humanity’s lives a little short. Don’t get me wrong, I want more people to hear the Good News, I want families and kids and numbers that would support having a youth program here and all those things, but growth doesn’t have to be simply about the numbers. After all, we don’t want to lose sight of the family of our own congregation in the constant chase of those outside, nor do we want to fall into the trap of the “church growth” movement that would compromise sound, Biblical doctrine and teachings in order to become more appealing and “with it” to those outside. You don’t sacrifice the sheep for the sake of the goats, after all. So we would do well to remember that a membership whose numbers remain static but whose faith and trust in God increases is also growing. Every day that we learn to walk a little bit closer with Jesus, we are growing, even if we didn’t get any visitors.

            By all means, continue to invite friends, coworkers, family, etc. to Church. Let’s continue to be our welcoming selves here at St. John’s. I’m open to suggestions as to how we can get more people through our doors, but let’s not let ourselves be too discouraged when the pews aren’t as full as we’d like them to be. Instead, let us continue to put our trust in the Lord, to have faith that the Holy Spirit will cause growth where He Wills it, and continue to seek to know Him more, that we all may continue to grow regardless.

God’s Blessings,  Pastor Biar
